Join me as we learn a little bit about God's Glory. There is so much we could talk about on this subject together. However, I believe God has something very specific to say right now. He is on the move, creating a highway of intercessors who will reveal His presence with a power and authority many have not seen yet. He is ready to demolish a misconception of who He is and replace it with His glory.
Part 2, The Intercessor.
Let's take a look at the Intercessor of the New Testament, Jesus Christ. He reveals the wholeness of God's glory but he also exposes a religious spirit, a golden calf that existed then and still exists today. Like the Pharisees and Saducees, you can speak from the word and not know the word, the presence of God. There is no power in that. The word of God must come from His Spirit, if it is to have authority. The way to break this religious spirit is to offer yourself as an intercessor. When you intercede into His presence, you learn to understand His voice for what He is speaking now. When you speak that, the glory is revealed the way He desires. Anything less is self-promoting and self-preserving. Read Matthew 16 & 17 and we will discuss and apply it to our own lives as part of the video portion of this study. If you have a prayer request or any questions about this study don't hesitate to message me. I'd love to hear from you. If you share any part of this study, please be sure to tag me and add the hashtag #hisglory. I am so grateful you are here and I hope the practical application of this message gives you a fresh new perspective of how God wants to use you in this season.
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